Thursday, 13 December 2012

Featured: Doug's Blog - RumblestripQ

by Doug/q1605

For me, the Acon blog community was a refuge of last resort. My mother displays every cluster-B trait known to man. She has all the qualities of a dog except for loyalty. She is so far into the range of sociopathy that no one would challenge me on this. I don't need for her to be diagnosed by a professional. And the State of Texas would be the first to agree.

Her pressure cooker of dysfunction boiled over so ruinously that I was forced to look out side my bubble of denial for answers. When I did, I found this community of like minded people.

At first I was content with forums and contributing to the blogs of others. But inevitably someone would say something to somebody about something else and things would go to places that made no one happy.

Much like growing up.

I had enough of this at home. Chaos for the sake of chaos, and no resolution in sight.

So I decide to create my own space.  People could agree. People could disagree. And as much as I despise a mod tight site, the option to censure is my own.

It will never cease to amaze me the humanity I find among the brow beaten. When our oppressors cite their own abuse as an excuse to palm abuse on others.

It's is a testament to the durability of the human spirit. It is a testament to the hope that the better ones among  us can band together to be the light that outshines their darkness. 

The numbers are on our side. We just have to get the word out and give people a voice.

Personality disordered people are all over. But so are we.

Visit Doug's blog:
Est. August 2011


  1. "It's is a testament to the durability of the human spirit. It is a testament to the hope that the better ones among us can band together to be the light that outshines their darkness."

    Made me cry!

    1. That was my favourite bit, too. And the part about the dog was funny. ;-)

  2. Actually, I meant to say it earlier, but at my therapy appointment this past week I was bemoaning how N's are EVERYWHERE! Or at least, there are entitled, self-serving JERKS everywhere!

    And I thought he'd say, "Well, you've enriched your environment artificially by not having sufficient boundaries," or, "Well, it probably just seems that way to you now."

    What he actually said was, "Yes. There's many, MANY of them. And they are EVERYWHERE."

    Confirmation! It's not just me seeing the world that way - q and my shrink both do, too. Let's outshine them together (I love that). :-)

  3. Q's was the blog that gave ME the impetus to begin my own. His insight (and that of his sister who comments annonymously there) is invaluable to anyone on this journey.

    His story is horrific. His resiliance is inspiring.

    Plus he's cute. Or so I've heard.
