
Guide to Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms:

NM = Narcissistic Mother
NF = Narcissistic Father
NP = Narcissistic Parent
N = Narcissist
Narc = Narcissist (generally not 'narcotics agent'!)
MN = Malignant Narcissist

EM = Enabler Mother*
EF = Enabler Father*
EP = Enabler Parent*
GC = Golden Child (rarely used for 'grandchild')
NGC = Narcissistic Golden Child
SG = Scapegoat
FM = Flying Monkey
FOO = Family of Origin
FOC = Family of Choice, or of Choosing

*"E" can also denote "estranged"; i.e. EF = estranged family (or father), EC = estranged child, EP = estranged parent, etc. Context is important!

NPD = Narcissistic Personality Disorder
ACoN = Adult Child of a Narcissist
DoNM = Daughter of Narcissistic Mother

NC = No Contact
LC = Low Contact
FOG = Fear, Obligation, Guilt
  DH = Dear Husband
DW = Dear Wife
DD = Dear Daughter
DS = Dear Son ("DS" is sometimes used to refer to a certain website offering support to estranged parents. It is the recommendation of The ACoN Society that you treat the website like you would the use of the name 'Voldemort' or 'Beetlejuice' - best left unsaid (and unvisited)!)
MIL = Mother in Law
MOTY = "Mother of the Year"
FIL = Father in Law
SIL = Sister in Law
BIL = Brother in Law

BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder
DID = Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously referred to as "Multiple Personality Disorder")
DPD = Dependent Personality Disorder
HPD = Histrionic Personality Disorder

FB = Facebook
AA = Alcoholics Anonymous
NA = Narcotics Anonymous
RBT = Rational Behaviour Therapy
CBT = Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
EFT = 'Emotional Freedom Technique' (alternative medicine emotional healing technique as seen on "Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" website)

Coming soon - Glossary of Commonly Used Terms.

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