Saturday, 3 November 2012

Where I Feared to Tread - Sexuality and ACoNism

by Quercus

Here's a personal admission - I've always wondered/worried if I was gay. Let me explain, because this is quite complicated. It's complicated because I'm not a lesbian. It's a problem I have, just this morning, finally solved. A conundrum in my mind that never quite fit with the rest of me.

I have never been in love with a female. I have never felt sexual desire towards another woman as an individual. I have, always, been attracted to men. I have always chased after them in one way or another since grade two. When most of my friends were lusting after teen idols (and admittedly, I had moments of weakness here too - but never for NKOTB! I'm proud of this), I was drooling over Harrison Ford. Seems that at a young age I wasn't overly threatened by his very masculine looks and copious quantities of testosterone - I thought (and still think) that there is no one more desirable in the whole world than Indiana Jones. (Expect maybe my husband. I feel like I should say this, ha ha! Next to my husband, there is no one more desirable than Dr. Jones!).

So where do the 'chicks' factor in? I'm glad you asked. I've never been adequately able to explain this, until now - it all just clicked! Introspection is a great thing - when you're able, go where you fear to tread in your psyche, and you can resolve all sorts of bizarre idiosyncrasies that have always left you feeling confused and ill-at-ease with aspects of yourself!

Here's the conundrum - in terms of sexual arousal, it appears to be women and visions of women expressing their sexuality openly that 'turns me on'. And I could never figure out why this was. Apart from Indiana Jones, men didn't really arouse me, psychologically speaking. And here is another odd aspect - in 'real life', I did just fine in terms of my heterosexual sexuality. I identified as female, I was attracted to males - where's the problem? I think this is why it's taken me so long to figure this out; why, in the deepest recesses of my mind, am I strongly aroused by women? It didn't make sense.

I wrote before that my NM had once accused me of being gay later in life (either my teens or 20s, I can't remember). It hurt so much. It was as if she didn't know me at all - all my interest in the opposite sex, heartbreak over young men - I had shared this all with her, openly, in the hopes that she'd take interest in me, pay me some attention, help me to feel better. She never did, of course, but she must've known how important it was to me that the-guy-next-door would ask me to go to the dance with him. Unless she wasn't listening, at all, ever, all those years. This is certainly possible.

My NM did a number on me psychologically speaking, which seems to have spilled over into virtually ALL aspects of my psyche, including, amazingly, my sexuality. My NM did everything in her power to make me feel inadequate physically (my small breasts, which grew before the other girls' had, weren't a source of humiliation for me at all. But she quickly made me see them as inadequate, pathetic, and a major fault - men like big breasts, and A cups, even B cups, weren't going to cut it. I'd have to learn to attract them another way, since my body was unattractive). She commented on everything - the fact that I was hairy (though she refused to teach me to shave my legs, even after I was the last girl in school to do so), not skinny enough (this was a favourite - she stopped making food I liked because I was 'tubby'), had bad skin (big pores), big thighs - you name it, it was regrettable.

I didn't (and don't) have an 'hourglass' figure. The difference between me and say, Jessica Rabbit, is extraordinary. It's not for lack of trying, either - it is literally my bone structure and shape. If I had several ribs removed and shaved down my liver, maybe I could invent those desirable curves that I so obviously lack. Exercise (cardio and/or strength training) just makes my 'core' stronger and, sadly, thicker. I could always get breast augmentation, too, though I notice that my NM was quick to say how fake and awful that is (can you imagine how angry she'd be if her daughter had juicy jugs? I can! It's almost worth it just to see the look on her face! How's that for a poor reason to undergo surgery?! Spite!).

Jessica Rabbit is hot, and physically impossible, and an archetype of the sexually-desirable female. I'd be lying if I said the sight of her didn't cause a hormone rush in me. But again, WHY?!

I think I know.

Jessica Rabbit is forbidden. She's the enemy. She could not, in all likelihood, be hated and resented any more strongly by my NM. If my NM could rid the world of all other women, starting with the sexy and curvaceous, she would. NM hates competition.

The more sexuality I exuded, the worse I was treated. I had all femininity psychologically beaten out of me. You should have seen photos of me as a teenager - I did look as though I was disinterested in my own femininity, perhaps a very masculine lesbian coming to terms with 'the real her'.

What it actually was was a poor girl who was scared to death of expressing her femininity, lest she be humiliated for her inadequate curves and sex appeal, or be treated even worse by her pathological NM.

Last night I had a pseudo sex-dream about Madonna. I'm not even a Madonna fan, I don't get it. But then I realised that Madonna is really Western society's epitome of the sexually liberated, expressive female. "Express Yourself", "Human Nature" - it's hard to think up a better living archetype of female sexuality.

And this is how I ended up with my epiphany on why I'm 'attracted' and 'aroused' by these women - I want to BE them! I want to 'have' them, but not in the way you might at first think - I want to be 'one' with them. It was absolutely forbidden for me to identify with these women, to join their ranks, to be close to them. They are the enemy. And I'm not allowed to defect to their side.

Ironically, I won a vote on the "best legs in school", and I was never short a boyfriend. I am, relatively speaking, attractive to 'men' in general. And yet I have yawning insecurities, and I have trouble flirting (luckily for me, my husband thought me adorable for it, and I don't have to anymore!), and I still am not all that comfortable with my own femininity.

I wanted to share my little epiphany. I always wondered about why I found women so sexually attractive, but never wanted to 'be with' a female. I didn't like thinking about it - I thought I was some sort of freak. I love my husband, I've only ever 'fallen for' men, and I just couldn't rectify why I am aroused by the 'concept' of a sexually expressive and free woman.

The reason is, that 'woman in my mind', is me, metaphorically speaking. My dreams are telling me that I want to merge with that 'female', however she appears in my mind, because I need to connect with my own sexuality which has been suppressed, or repressed, or estranged from me - whatever the wording should be.

Jungian psychology speaks about the "animus", the masculine aspect of every woman's psyche, and the "anima", the feminine aspect of every man's psyche. My animus looks an awful lot like Indiana Jones. He's sexy, he's capable, he's highly educated, and has scruff and big muscles. Mmm. As a female, I shouldn't need to have an anima, but I think I do! She doesn't really have a set shape, but she's a total vixen with huge boobs and curves and legs as long as a month of Sundays! It's not real women that arouse me, which I've always known at some level, but my anima - the 'forbidden' feminine side of me not expressed.

If I was an asexual child forever, I think my NM might have hated me less. The moment I started my period, an ignored child became a massive threat, and the campaign to ruin my confidence, my sexuality, was launched. And sadly, it's worked.

The bad news for mumsie is that it never prevented me from attracting males (something she appears to have had troubles with - I wonder why! Narc-radar is functioning in most people after all!), or getting married to a wonderful, sexually attractive man (yes, she admits to lusting after my husband. How gross is that?!). And the even worse news is that, now that I've figured out what's happening in my brain, I have a happy feeling that my sex life is going to go from 'satisfactory' to 'awesome'.

No more worries with me. It's time to 'express myself'!

I wonder if anyone else had their sexuality suppressed by a controlling NM and have an 'anima' of their own, despite being a heterosexual female. If you do, don't feel you have to comment openly below - this is a very personal admission. But if you do relate, I sincerely hope this post has helped you accept what's going on and be more kind and gentle to yourself - there's nothing wrong or 'freakish' about you at all. You've just got some interesting constructs in your mind put there to prevent you from getting hurt further by an abusive parent who resented your femininity.


  1. That's quite an epiphany, Quercus! It sounds like it's spot on. It's a relief to finally get to the bottom of something that's always bugged you, isn't it?

    I also had (have) a sexually repressive NM. It's as if she (and by extension my GC sister) were the only ones allowed to have any sexuality. NM was always a man-chaser and cheated on my father constantly. She raised my sister to use her sexuality to get ahead and marry "up". My brother and me though, forget it. We were the hopeless ones, who would ever be attracted to us?

    I didn't have a fear of being gay though, well only briefly. At age 12 I had an erotic dream about a female friend and freaked out. I thought I was going to "catch the gay" :p Then I reasonably decided that I should give it some time. If it turned out I was gay, I was going to be so *totally* gay. If not, then I wasn't. Turned out I wasn't.

    My mother did not manage to stamp out my sexual attractiveness to others, apparently, since despite not being able to flirt, I never lacked for a boyfriend. She did manage to stamp out any feelings of being sexually attractive though, along with my self-esteem. My brother got the worst of it. She totally crushed him and only when he was in his 40's did she let go of her stranglehold on him long enough for him to find a wife.

    1. Hi Elena,

      Your story sounds similar to mine, the brother and all (non-GC, that is).

      I am also inspired to write a post on 'dream analysis', because, according to my psychologist, people in dreams can actually represent entirely different people. This was news to me! I had a dream that I had to fight (boxing) a friend, a GOOD friend - one of the REAL ones, and I just couldn't tell him why it was her of all people! And he said, "No, I don't think it was your friend in actuality - she represents your NM in this dream, the final battle."

      Never would have figured that out on my own! :-)
      (this is kind of neat, but doesn't go in-depth)

  2. My NM started her attacks on my looks (plain, sallow skin, glasses, flat chested, straight hair, crooked teeth, no man will ever want you, you'll be an old maid, you're too shy...) when I was about thirteen. This is also when my position as the family slave/housekeeper/yard girl/nanny came to complete fruition giving me barely enough time for homework let alone a social life which was forbidden anyway.

    A self-fulfilling prophecy made me give off a vibe that kept the guys away and having a wardrobe of two ugly hand-me-down outfits didn't help either!

    I don't remember being confused about sexuality, I just remember having no interest in it because my NM had instilled an "it ain't ever going to happen" attitude in me.

    Poor NM, on the other hand, had to beat men off with a baseball bat!

    1. My NM told me to tell the boys that I slept with "books on my chest" and was making it flat on purpose! I have never been able to figure out what she was trying to do (be funny, maybe?) with that comment, but yikes!

      I hear you - it's difficult to be 'sexy' when you don't believe that you are!

      You know, your story (which starts sad but has a happier ending!) makes me want to cheer out loud. How WRONG, UTTERLY, UTTERLY WRONG, your NM was in her little 'prophecy' about you! You found a loving husband and you had a lovely daughter . . . ! I just can't help but smile smugly knowing that your NM's instilled self-fulfilling prophecy couldn't stop you from finding love and meaning in your life. >:-)

      It just makes me happy to know that she couldn't break you entirely! Perhaps there are limits to their evil after all (though it sure doesn't feel that way!). :-)

  3. Fascinating and brave post! Thank you for sharing this and I hope realizing this will help you too.

    I have my own sexual stuff to address, and will do so in a post - I have been there briefly before, but I need to look into it more.

    My biggest issue is the opposite of having an 'anima' - a complete turning away from femininity, coupled with an inability to even really have female friends (apart from similarly unfeminine and unemotional and undemanding ones) while remaining hetero.

    1. I have a little bit of that, too, but maybe it's a different flavour. Other women HATE me, for the most part. All through school, other girls called me "fake" (which I wasn't - I really was that nice and self-sacrificing, thanks to the handiwork of my NM!), and a few of them declared me a mortal enemy 'cause the boy they liked apparently liked me! (Which is funny, 'cause that was the first and last I ever heard of it!).

      The few female friends I have are really cool people. I had to disengage from a couple of other female friends quite recently, when I finally noticed that their friendship with me was benefitting them but costing me much too much.

      I think that if you can find awesome female friends, which in my experience are few and far between, you'll enjoy their company immensely.

      The trick for me (don't know if it also applies to you) is to make sure you're not getting USED by them. Ironically, I've gotten "used" by far more women than men - I think it's because socially speaking men are quite simple. You can generally know what they're up to / after, provided you haven't had the misfortune of stumbling across a psychopath. :-)

      I'd like to do another post in the future on "feminism" as I see it. I think women have inadvertently done themselves a great disservice with the 'sexual revolution' of the 60s (or, the men just managed to pervert the course of the revolution entirely). It seems to me that us women are set up to compete with one another, rather than "have each other's backs", which strategically is terrible and leaves us all more vulnerable. I think the majority of women, ACoN or otherwise, are raised (unintentionally) to feel so incredibly insecure that we collectively have no real opportunity to 'stick up for each other'.

      This is how I rationalize my female friends who use and abuse me, and after years and years of 'bestest friends' will go after your boyfriend, or snark about you behind your back but will never discuss any issues openly with you, or who will resent you for what you've managed to achieve (getting married pissed off two of these long-time 'friends' who I finally realised weren't happy FOR me, and weren't happy to see me happy, as I've always been for them(!), but who, apparently, would rather see me miserable!).

      Oops, that was quite the giant comment!

      PA - I think we might push each other's "WRITE ABOUT IT!" buttons! :-D Excellent! We spur on blogging productivity! ;-)

  4. Thanks for posting this. Gives me a lot to think about. My mother did the opposite. Tried everything she could to have me looking sexier at an inappropriately young age. My sister and I agree it was like she wanted us to be 'launched' as quickly as possible then resented the attention we were given. It was sick and twisted and I still have lots of hangups about it. This is a different perspective then I have heard before. Thank you.

    1. Oh Ruth, I'm sorry - I have read about NM's that do this sort of thing, and frankly I've always been thankful my NM didn't try that on me!
      Isn't it sad but amazing how long the 'hang-ups' linger? I wish they were easier to do away with.

  5. Interesting post QG. My NM is very "prudish" I guess. I don't think she's mentioned sexuality once, and when it has been brought up she treats the person as some sort of freak that is beneath her high moral character. She uses my stepdad now as a way to label me as being inappropriate (I once showed her my pregnant belly, while my stepdad was there. It wasn't like a huge flash, just to show her the baby moving. She FREAKED that I was making my stepdad uncomfortable. She also has a hard time dealing with my little boys and their recent "discoveries" of being a boy.)
    Anyway, I don't think she ever really allowed any of that. She always kept me as a little doll. And I think that when I reached early adulthood, I rebelled a bit by pushing sexuality (my sister really pushes it, and I think, secretly, NM likes that).

    Also, wanted to say, I LOVE Dr. Jones too. Always have. I always liked that kind of guy, rugged, smart, but not "overly" manly. But I did have a weakness for NKOTB too (but it was the rebel bad boy one I liked :)). And I also find women (not real life ones, but "characters" like you said) attractive. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. I've always though that sexuality is a continuum and you can be on either end or anywhere in between. Embracing it in whatever form it may be is the sexiest thing you can do.

  6. This is an awesome post. I related on loads of levels. I realized I had conflicted feelings about my sexuality when I finally realized I had control/anger issues around women that made me want to conquest them. Ok that sounds weirder than it is. But it is wrapped up in my father being too interested in my body and my mother's rage at me being his favorite child.

    My mom always said my sister was the pretty one (blond, never without a boyfriend). But I never lacked for male attention. I just shunned a lot of it.

    Really great post. Very very brave. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thanks, VR! Isn't it amazing (horrifying) how NParents can royally screw with your head (pun intended)?

      My psychologist likes to jump all over the fact that my EF was FORBIDDEN to show me ANY affection - he said my NM was so insecure around other females, that even an infant daughter wasn't just 'competition' but was 'sexual competition'.

      Totally sick. Paedophilic on some level. Thanks for seeing me as a potential slut when I was in utero, NM. Lovely.

  7. It's had the effect of making me a little odd regarding showing any affection to anyone. I've never been a very touchy/huggy person because I don't want to give the wrong idea -- but then also fear giving the right idea. It makes me seem cold, something my parents both accused me of being. But the fact is, I long for intimacy. I just have a crap-assed way of going about getting that need met.

    1. I also am not keen on lots of physical affection from people (well some people at least.) Sometimes I don't mind, but it's very clearly with people I don't feel have any agenda with me.

      My NMIL is very weird about "cuddling" and stuff. DH told me recently that when he goes to hug her she stiffens up like a board. And she likes him (I think). But she is down right OBSESSIVE about cuddling, hugging, and kissing on her grandkids. It's to point that all she does is hug on them and it keeps her from having a real relationship with them. The affection is one sided and pushy and she is so busy kissing them, she doesn't have a conversation with them. It's like they are dogs or something. It really bothers me.

      I'm not sure why this popped into my head, except that her needs for affection are met in unhealthy ways. She used to push me to "cuddle" with her too. Grossed me out.

      Also, I resent that email (I went through your profile email contact). Any chance for an invite to your blog :)?
